Chivi – Gospel Health Clinic

Chivi – Gospel Health Clinic

In 2019 the community in Chivi began an ambitious project – here, one of our partners, Gideon Chishamba, is talking about the new Health Clinic and his desire to see it as a means of reaching people with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gideon, you and your team are involved in […]

Zimbabwe Visit April 2018 Report

Zimbabwe Visit April 2018 Report

This year’s visit found us leaving the UK on Wednesday 18th April and arriving in Harare early evening on the 19th.  The flight went well but the engine of one of the cars taking us from the airport to our accommodation stopped 20 times before we arrived there! As this was the vehicle that was supposed […]

Project Updates

Project Updates

Update on Recent Projects Please see an update below on progress on 2 projects : The Chirogwe Booster Pump, and the Poultry Project. PROGRESS REPORT ON CHIROGWE BOOSTER PUMP It is with joy that we would like to hereby report to you that the companies that were assigned to install the Solar Booster pump at […]

Famine relief 2016/17

Famine relief 2016/17

The country of Zimbabwe has experienced severe economic difficulties in the last decade, brought about mainly by the Government’s ‘Land Reform’ policy resulting in this country that was once the bread basket of Africa no longer growing enough food to feed the population. The economic difficulties have resulted in a very high unemployment rate leaving […]