Update on Recent Projects
Please see an update below on progress on 2 projects : The Chirogwe Booster Pump, and the Poultry Project.
It is with joy that we would like to hereby report to you that the companies that were assigned to install the Solar Booster pump at Chirogwe clinic finished their job and the clinic has got water now. The Chivi council health sector is so much grateful for this gesture of love which you have shown to the community of Chirogwe. The water is going to go a long way in ensuring that the clinic has water but also will help the community to have qualified health personnel staying for long period of time at the clinic. This is going to improve the quality of health of the people from the villages around the village. The water at the clinic will also increase the number of women who will deliver babies at a clean and safe clinic. Many pregnant women in the village of Chirogwe and surrounding areas would deliver babies at their homes thereby putting some of them at danger of dying while giving birth. The clinic is therefore going to reduce infant mortality rate in the community. Thank you so much for the support.
The solar booster pump was installed at the beginning of the year and started to pump water on the same day into the clinic borehole. The community members helped by digging the water trench from the borehole to the clinic tank as well as covering the trench with soil soon after the pipes were laid down in the trench. The presence of the community members including the leaders was a true testimony of how the area has been in need of water at their clinic.
The water tank stand at the clinic does not have very strong supporting pillars therefore there is the fear that if 5000litres is pumped into the tank, the whole structure might collapse and break the tank. The community still needs steel pipes or some way of reinforcing the structure so that the tank can be filled up to the top. The Nurse in charge now has to switch on and off the solar system now and again which again is not good for the sustainability of the system, so there is a big need to work on the clinic tank stand
Please find herein below the photos of the solar system that was installed at Chirogwe clinic:

The 16th of January is the day our farmers will always remember because it is the day that they received the chicks for the poultry project. They received after the buyer was very much satisfied by the kind of chicken runs the people had built. We are so much grateful to report that there is really excitement in the people who were trained and who received the chicks on the 16th of January 2018.
2500 chicks were bought together with all that is needed to raise them up, which includes feed, feeders, vaccinations etc. for 8 people including Peniel centre. 2 other farmers were dropped out after they failed to build the coops at the same time with others and therefore 2 other farmers got 500 broilers each. Today the 17th of January is the second day of the chicks with the farmers.
One of the beneficiaries of the project is a widow; Cathrine Maloney (pictured herein) who is so much grateful for the project. Cathrine is one of the people who were trained by TMG on how to raise up broilers and has been praying and asking God for money to start the project. Her husband who was a preacher died leaving her with nothing but a piece of land in the communal areas. Since her community is in region 5 of Zimbabwe where the rain is so scarce and where it’s so difficult to rely so much on rain water to do full-fledged farming. The chicken project was the only project that she thought could help her to come out of poverty hence she decided to go for training at TMG. Unfortunately after the training she didn’t have the capital to start the project and an answer to her prayers came when one day Jennifer told her about the plans to start the poultry project with those who were trained. All her children who dropped out of school due to lack of finances after the death of their father helped her to build up the chicken run. The Church assisted her with some iron sheets and thank God the project has started. She is looking forward to see the project helping her to have enough food at home and also to help her children to do different courses which will help them in life.
Thank you so much to ZPT for all the help and assistance you have given to the people to start this project.
Apart from these first people benefitting from the project, a number of Pastors and people in the communities that we work with have shown great interest to be trained on Chicken project. It is already having a great impact even though it has just started. TMG is going to train almost 20 people from our group at the end of January this year and our prayers are for these people to be able to start such projects which will help in the reduction of poverty amongst different families.
Please find herein below some of the photos taken on the 16th of January, we will continue to keep you updated on how this project is doing