The Trustees send you our warmest greetings and want to thank you for your ongoing interest, prayers and practical support of the work of the Trust as we seek to minister to the needs of the Lord’s people and their communities in Zimbabwe. We are living in strange and unusual times here in the UK as we come through these weeks of lockdown brought about in response to the spread of the Coronavirus. Yet this pandemic is affecting many countries throughout the world as governments respond to the challenge of this crisis. The World Health Organisation have warned that Africa could be the next ‘hot spot’ for the virus and we feel this is an appropriate time to update you on the needs of Zimbabwe as well as share news of the work of the Trust and give you pointers for prayer at this critical time.
Zimbabwe and Covid 19 (Coronavirus)
At the time of writing Zimbabwe has not been drastically affected by the number of reported cases of Coronavirus – to date there have been 31 reported cases, 4 deaths and 5 recovered. The country was put into lockdown for three weeks before the first reported case and this was extended for a further two weeks, due to be reviewed the beginning of May. There is real concern that if the virus should spread widely in the country the hospitals and health system would be completely overrun and collapse under the pressure and we would ask you to pray the Lord would protect the country from the worst effects of this pandemic and that the hospitals and health care system would be able to offer effective care to those affected.

One of the consequences of the lockdown is that the closure of shops and street markets has caused a worsening of the food crisis in the country, caused by last year’s crop failure, and many of the population are facing severe hunger, even to the point where some have said they would rather risk dying of coronavirus than starving to death. As a Trust we have been able to respond to this situation by sending funds through one of our partners – Pastor Albert – to enable him to buy supplies of the staple food ‘mealie meal’ to provide food for school children badly affected by this food crisis. We have established an Emergency relief Fund to enable us to respond to these crisis situations. Please pray the government in Zimbabwe will manage the lockdown in a way that will ease the worsening of the food crisis and that the Lord will bring comfort to the needy children being fed with supplies provided through the Trust.
Trustees Meeting by video conference 18th April
As trustees we were unable to meet in our usual way for our half-yearly meeting but, thanks to the provision of modern technology we conducted out meeting through a live video conference and we share with you news from our meeting. A visit by three of our trustees to Zimbabwe in May has had to be cancelled because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Derek French and Mark Drury were due to lead the Training of Trainers and Chris Boyes was to visit a number of the humanitarian projects supported by the Trust. These visits will not take place this year but please pray that plans for further visits can be made for 2021.

The Indigenous Preachers Workshops, which are led by men who have been trained through the Training of Trainers in various parts of the country, have had to be suspended for the time-being because of the lockdown but it is hoped these can be resumed later in the year as the lockdown is lifted in the country. Please pray these IPW’s can recommence and the pastors attending will be equipped to faithfully teach the Word of God.
The majority of pastors are not supported by their congregations and, like so many in the country, have to try to find ways to support their families. It is also difficult for them to maintain contact with their congregations and minister to their needs without the blessings of modern technology which we have come to depend on here in the UK. Please pray for the pastors in their struggle to support their families and maintain contact with their congregations
Rural Health Clinic

Work by the local community at Makamure to build the much needed rural health clinic has continued since our last report in November and we have recently provided funding for the doors and windows to be installed. At our trustees meeting we were also pleased to allocate funding for the plumbing and electrical installations to be undertaken in the building. This work will proceed once the lockdown has been lifted. Please pray for the continued work on the clinic and the provision of funding to see the project completed.
Mt Darwin – Borehole
We have been greatly encouraged by the response to the need for a borehole for the goat/field centre project that was referred to in our Annual report in November. As a result of the gifts that came in which were designated for this project and the partnership of Meadow Way Chapel, Norwich in match funding we are pleased to report that the borehole has been successfully drilled and we are just waiting for the solar panels and pump to be installed – this has been delayed because of the lockdown. Please pray this will be completed as soon as the lockdown is lifted and for James Kambudzi who oversees this project.
Orphan Care/Community Development Centre
We continue our support of Trymore Mateyanganga in his care of orphans in the community at Mt Darwin and establishment of a Community Development Centre where young people are trained in skills to help them establish a livelihood for themselves. Please pray for this continued work.
Video Report
A brief video report has been prepared by Maciek Stolarski (one of our trustees) following our recent trustees meeting – please click on the following link to download and view this report and please use this in your fellowship as you may feel is appropriate.
Gifts to support the work can be made in the following ways.
· Paid in directly at any branch of the Nationwide Building Society, or online, to the account of Zimbabwe Partnership Trust, Account No 33333334 Sort Code 07-00-93 quoting reference 0216/704206836 (Please advise Roger Prime, ZPT Secretary, of your donation)
· Online donations can be made at
· By using Charities Aid Foundation or Stewardship Services
· By standing order using the account information above and advising Roger Prime, ZPT Secretary by mail or email:
· By handing directly to one of our trustees.
· By cheque made payable to Zimbabwe Partnership Trust and mailing to: Roger Prime, ZPT Secretary.
Gift Aid – If you pay Income Tax and would like to make your gift go further by signing a Gift Aid Declaration, please contact Roger Prime, ZPT Secretary for the necessary form.
Secretary: Roger Prime, 3 Guildhall Road, Worlingham, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 7SE. Tel. 01502 714793
Please see our website for more information